An Egyptian software developer, I am happiest when writing high-quality code to produce elegant applications that people can benefit from.
I am currently interested in Google’s Flutter SDK for building cross-platform native applications that are performant and look slick.
Education and journey:
- Graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy yet my passion is software engineering.
- Studied programming on and off since I was in first year of college as a hobby (before 2013)
- Took courses for many languages including Java, Python and JavaScript.
- Finished the milestones for One Million Arab Coders Full-stack track.
- Graduated from App Brewery’s Flutter bootcamp in November 2019.
- Created my first published application using Google’s Flutter SDK Urban Dictionary
- I graduated Egypt’s FWD Udacity’s nanodegree for Advanced Web Development.
Professional Experience:
- Freelance React Developer @ Upwork. (April 2019 - September 2019).
- Software Engineer (Flutter Developer) @ Kortobaa Integrated Solutions (January 2020 - Present).
If you have reached that far thanks for your time, you can find my work on Github, follow me on Twitter or befriend me on Facebook.